
Web3 features are not currently planned in the roadmap, but we explore what Web3 could bring in terms of value for our community


With the drastic increase of content produced using AI tool, it is more and more difficult to know what piece of content was produced by whom, and with which tool.

Moving forward, we are considering the opportunity to use Web3 opportunities to allow Zymers to attach a verification token to the creations they want to preserve.

This verificiation token would allow to certify that the creation was produced using Nzym, and to attach it to its creator.

Avatar Marketplace

As of today you can only create a private avatar for yourself, or purchase one that is presented on the platform.

We are exploring the opportunity to let every Zymer the possibility to sell the Avatars they own on Nzym, defining the price they feel suit best the uniqueness of their Avatars.

There are different ways to achieve that goal. Transforming credits into a utility token attached to the use of Nzym is one of the ways we explore.

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